Point Loma High School’s CSF Students Volunteer at OBCG

OBCG is honored to serve as a community service site for Point Loma High School’s California Scholarship Federation (CSF) students. What we (OBCG gardeners) have come to realize is that the garden is much more than a service site. OBCG is a space where 15-18 year olds learn about how to become conscientious stewards of Mother Earth, how to work together and learn from one another and how to build community in such a way that ‘we’ drives our actions, not ‘I’. On Saturday, May 14, CSF students spent another two hours talking with gardeners, helping with garden projects, sharing their new found passion for gardening and sustainability and learning about companion planting. Several students expressed their interest in becoming regular volunteers over the summer months, when they are not required to volunteer, but because they want to be surrounded by gardeners and community members who share something in common - the spirit of community! Thank you to all of the CSF students who volunteered at OBCG during the 2021-2022 school year. Good luck to the graduating seniors - looking forward to seeing everyone else in September!! Our community garden is stronger when our community youth are present!!


A stroll around the garden…


Companion Planting: Exploring the Folklore and Facts