Ocean Beach Community Garden

In the late 1970s, the Ocean Beach Community Garden was planted. Roots of stewardship and community began to flourish when layers of kelp replaced mounds of asphalt. Likeminded Ocean Beach residents knew that protecting Mother Earth rested at the center of life. In a manner of collective transformation, the garden started to grow roots that continue to mature four decades later. Today, 50 organic gardeners cultivate organically grown vegetables, fruit and flowers for personal consumption and to share with the local community. The garden is a space for empowerment and education, and thus, a fulfillment of practicing, cultivating, building, inspiring and educating ourselves and our community.

The Ocean Beach Community Garden is located in the heart of Ocean Beach, San Diego.
OBCG in the PL/OB Monthly:
(click here)

OBCG in SDVoyager Magazine: (click here)

Open Garden Days

Second Saturday of Each Month (unless rescheduling is needed)

Garden Open to the Public + Children’s Activities

Next Open Garden Day is: Saturday - April 15th 10am-12pm

Come by the OB Community Garden to experience the joy of community gardening. The garden is open to the public the second Saturday of each month (unless rescheduling is needed). Gardeners will be on hand to answer questions.

Hope to see you at the garden!

Thank you to our community partners for ongoing collaboration:

OB Hardware (4871 Newport Ave.)

OB People’s Food Market (4765 Voltaire St.)

Walter Andersen Nursery (3642 Enterprise St.)

OB Arborists (4741 Niagara Ave.)

Point Loma Association (next to OBCG)

Point Loma Native Plant Garden (2275 Mendocino Blvd.)

Point Loma High School - California Scholarship Federation (CSF)

Ryel Landscapes Inc. (619-719-7475)

Point Loma Nazarene University

Ocean Beach Seed Library

Ocean Beach Business Center

Ocean Beach Community Garden

Second Saturdays at the Garden

Visitors are welcome to visit the garden and see what local community gardeners are planting and producing. Gardeners will be on hand to answer questions. Open Garden Day is a wonderful time to explore the benefits of community gardening and join the waitlist, if interested!

Open Garden Day Children’s Activities

Monthly Children’s Activities: We love to see children in the garden - whether it be planting pollinator seeds, painting dried seed pods or engaging in scavenger hunts!

Children are invited to OBCG to enjoy a variety of garden activities. Several engaging activities will be available for children and an accompanying adult(s). All activities will be self-guided with all materials provided. Just come between 10am-12:00pm ready for fun in a community garden environment. Hope to see you soon at the garden!

Refreshments served.

Preparing the next generation of gardeners starts TODAY!